Starting on January 1, 2020, an inactive account fee has been introduced on the EXMO platform.
An announcement on 25th of November 2019 notified about updating the User agreement. Namely, it was supplemented with paragraph 4.6 “Inactive Account Fee”, which defines the rules for charging a fee.
All EXMO Inactive Accounts were subject to a monthly fee equivalent to five (5) US dollars at the current SPOT exchange rate of the US dollar to the Currency in which the fee was debited (the "Inactive Account Fee").
From the moment the Account is recognized as an Inactive Account, EXMO has the right to debit the Commission for such an Inactive Account every calendar month without notifying the User. The write-off took place before the 10th (tenth) day of each such month. At the same time, the Account ceased to be considered an Inactive Account from the date of any of the following actions: one Transaction, one Deposit, or one Withdrawal of Funds. The deduction of the Commission for the Inactive Account ceased from the date when the Account ceases to be considered as the Inactive Account. The Fee for the Inactive Account will be debited by EXMO in any Currency in which the Funds were deposited in the Inactive Account at the time of such deduction.
If the amount of Funds on the User's Account was less than the amount of the Inactive Account Fee, EXMO deducted the entire balance of Funds from such Account.
Starting from 01 July 2021, EXMO cancels the application of Inactive Account Fee. Accordingly, starting from 01 July 2021, the Clause 4.6 of this Agreement is terminated. EXMO has been applying Inactive Account Fee from 01 January 2020 to 30 June 2021 inclusive.