Fiat currency withdrawal
To withdraw Fiat currencies go to Finance and click on Withdraw button in front of required currency. Thus, you will be forwarded to withdrawals page, where you will be able to select payment provider you would like to use for transaction.
Please, fill out all the necessary fields and confirm withdrawal by entering your password (2FA code, in case two-factor authentication is used at your account).
Afterwards, confirmation of your withdrawal will be sent to the mailbox linked to your account.
To make final confirmation of withdrawal follow the link sent in email. Once you clicked on it, your withdrawal will be considered as confirmed.
Cryptocurrency withdrawal
To withdraw cryptocurrency enter amount and wallet address, where the amount has to be sent, to input fields of the form. Afterwards, confirm withdrawal transaction following the same flow that applied to Fiat currencies withdrawal.
Please note, that while withdrawing XRP / XLM / XEM / EOS currencies, you will need to specify an additional Invoice parameter (Memo / Tag), that identifies transaction in the system. You need to specify this parameter on the recipient resource.