7-Day PnL
The return of a particular currency is calculated for each asset you own. This parameter shows how much you have made or lost in this currency over the past 7 days.
The methodology does not take into account the asset's deposits and withdrawals and shows only the net profitability of trading operations with a specific asset over the past 7 days. It can be illustrated with this formula:
Vopen — the asset's volume at the period's beginning in the dollar equivalent at the exchange rate at the period's beginning.
Vdep — the volume of all asset's deposits in the dollar equivalent at the exchange rate at the moment of deposit.
Vwd — the volume of all asset's withdrawals in the dollar equivalent at the rate at the moment of withdrawal.
Vsale — the volume of all asset' sales in the dollar equivalent at the exchange rate at the time of the transaction.
Vbuy — the volume of all asset's purchases in the dollar equivalent at the exchange rate at the time of the transaction.
Vclose — the asset's volume at the period's end in the dollar equivalent at the exchange rate at the period's end.
The period's beginning is considered 0:01 (UTC) 7 days ago. For example, if today is June 1, 15:45, then May 25, 0:01 (UTC) will be considered the period's beginning. The period's ending is the current moment with an acceptable delay of up to 10 minutes.
The Portfolio's PnL parameter that shows your total profit for the last 7 days has also been added in the Wallet section. It is calculated by adding up the profitability of all the assets you own in the dollar equivalent.