In case you forgot your EXMO account password, you need to follow next steps:
- Click on the Recover Password on the Authorization page at EXMO.
- Enter in Email Address field email address, which you used for registration and click on Submit button on the Password Recovery page. An instruction letter for password recovery will be sent to the specified email address.
- Check your mailbox. The message with instructions for password recovery has been sent to your address. In case there is no letter, don’t forget to check the Spam and Promotions folder. Password recovery emails are sent from
- To log into your account use the password which was sent in the letter. Please note that the password is valid only for 1 hour. In case within one hour you don’t use the password to restore access, you will need to re-request new password.
- Once the access (login) is restored, change immediately the password to your own. To do this follow to Profile Settings to Password section and enter your own access password. The safest password is considered a password consisting of a combination of letters (uppercase and lowercase), numbers and symbols. The recommended minimum password length is 8 characters.
Please be noted that for security reasons, once password is recovered, withdrawal of funds will be suspended for 72 hours in order to protect your account.